Our Approach
Getting fibre from the street to your building is determined by how your phone and existing broadband services are delivered. Larger buildings usually have existing services delivered via pipes and in most cases, we can use these to deliver fibre. When there are multiple tenants, we retain the existing copper service as some tenants may still be using these lines.
If your existing copper phone line is connected by aerial cable or an underground pipe, we usually install your fibre cable in the same way. If that’s not possible we’ll recommend another option.
Aerial cable
If your existing copper line is connected by aerial we’ll either replace it with fibre, put our fibre cable up alongside your copper cable, or if you need to keep your copper line for voice services or a monitored alarm, we’ll replace your copper cable with a hybrid of fibre and copper.
Underground pipe
If your copper line is connected by an underground pipe and it’s usable, we will dig at each end and pull our fibre cable through it.
Other options if aerial and underground pipe aren’t available
Mounted on a fence, driveway edge or retaining wall - if a suitable surface like a driveway edge, footpath, curbing, retaining wall or fence runs from your street to your business premises, we can mount the fibre cable to the surface. We aim to minimise the visual impact of this and mount the cable discretely. The lightweight nature of the cable means it won’t cause any weight-bearing issues.
Buried cable in a grass verge or garden - if the route from the street to your business premises is a soft surface we can bury the fibre cable. This is done by digging a shallow trench and laying the cable inside. The location is determined as a low impact area to avoid being dug up and it doesn’t need to be in a straight line. We restore any surface we disturb once we finish.
Buried cable under a driveway or path - If there is a hard surface, like concrete, from the street to your business then machinery will be used to drill or dig a trench to bury the fibre cable. When drilling, we drill under the hard surface to create a trench to pull our cable through. We limit digging to a temporary hole at each end.
When trenching, we make a wide cut right through the hard surface or a narrow cut in the top of the surface to lay the cable, taking the most direct route and being mindful of other utilities. At completion, we use the same material to restore the surface but it’s not always possible for us to match the colour, texture and pattern for concrete and asphalt.
Once we’ve built fibre to the outside of your office building, we go inside to get the fibre from the communications room to each of the floors within the building. Where possible we use existing infrastructure - either running through existing risers, stairwells or ceilings, following existing wiring on the exterior of the building or discretely running cable directly below the ceiling line.