Do I need consent?
Consent is needed if you live down a right of way or shared driveway, in a multi-dwelling unit such as a flat or apartment, in a multistorey building, or in a rental property. Everyone affected needs to give their consent so your Local Fibre Company (LFC) can get access to your property to install and connect your Fibre broadband.
Your LFC (Local Fibre Company) will start getting in touch with your neighbours, landlord or owner to get their consent in order to start the installation process. Once consent has been granted they will call you to arrange a meeting at your property to go explain all the details & plan the installation with you.
What can I do?
You can speed things up by talking to anyone affected who needs to give consent and letting them know to look out for a consent letter.
What happens once consent is given or denied?
All LFC’s have agreed to a 30 day period for seeking consent and you’ll be notified when consent is gained. If consent is not achieved (usually because those effected haven’t completed it) within the 30 days we will get in touch to advise of next steps.
Scope visit
Once we’ve received your order for Fibre Broadband the next step is the installation of your ultra-fast broadband connection which involves running a Fibre optic cable from the street curb to your house, installing termination points on an outside (ENT) and inside wall (ONT) and installing the equipment that will run your internet and/or phone connection inside your house. Sounds scary but don’t panic! The speed, reliability and consistency that installing this incredibly thin cable bring you will more than outweigh the one-time hassle of installation. You will need to be there to meet the technician, please allow around an hour for this visit.
What is this visit for?
A technician will explain to you in detail the work required to install your Fibre. They will outline a plan for you to sign & agree to.
The technician will discuss the following options with you:
The best place for your External Termination Point (ETP) to be installed on the outside of your house. There are a few options:
An overhead/aerial installation if you already received services this way, your Fibre will be installed the same way.
Shallow buried cable across a garden or lawn.
Surface mounted cable may be mounted to a driveway curb, footpath, fence or retaining wall.
New buried pipe which is drilled or trenched.
Underground installation will dig up the previously installed Fibre duct at the boundary and either use an existing duct, drill underground towards the house or dig a trench towards the house.
The best place for your Internal Termination Point (ITP) to be installed inside your house. This will need to be fastened to the surface of a wall, hidden in the ceiling, or under your floor.
The best place for your Optical Network Terminal (ONT) to be installed inside your house. This is the central point of the Fibre connection and where your phoneline & modem will be located. Don’t forget if you want to use numerous phone lines or your existing phone jacks to work you need integrated wiring which allows you to plug your phone into any jackpoint. If you have Fibre only, you have to plug your phone directly into the ONT.
Build Visit
Once your Fibre installation plan has been organised a technician from your LFC will visit your property to run the Fibre cable from the street to your house. You don’t need to be at the property for this visit.
What will the technician do?
The technician will visit your property to install a little white box called an External Terminal Point (ETP) on the outside of your house which will connect the Fibre cable to your house from the street. As this part of the installation is all external work you do not need to be at home for this visit. The technician will install the ENT at the previously agreed location which was signed and agreed to in the previous scoping visit.
Will there be any damage to my property?
Please be assured that the technician will put things back the way they were. All surfaces that have been dug into or cut will be replaced with the same surface (concrete will be replaced with concrete, grass with grass, etc.)
Now that Fibre is connected to the outside of your property the next step is to connect it to the inside of your home. On the actual date of connection someone will need to be home and the job can take up to 4 hours.
What happens at this visit?
You will need to sign a form to agree to the terms & conditions of your LFC and approve the work to be carried out inside your home.
The technician will run the Fibre from the External Termination Point (ETP) that has been installed on the outside of your house and connect it to another box called an Optical Network Terminal (ONT) to be installed on the inside of your house.
Once connected the technician will test everything to ensure its working.
Things to think about:
Your phone line & jackpoints
You can easily run your home phone over Fibre as in can be plugged directly into the side of the modem. If you have more than one phone jackpoint that you would still like to use simply let us know so we can order “Integrated Wiring” so these will still work once your Fibre has been connected.
Alarms & connected devices
Once Fibre is connected security or medical alarm, fax machine or TV may stop working so you will need to contact the providers to check whether these are compatible with Fibre.
Where you might want the ONT installed
If you want a phone line this will need to be plugged directly into the ONT so you might want this installed somewhere convenient for you. You may want to keep your ONT out of sight which you can discuss with the technician when you meet with the for your scope date to agree on your installation.